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Realistic caricature line drawing of one or more people drawing in ink on 8x10, 9x12, or 11x14paper digital caricatures also available. Price varies for larger drawings 


  • 1 person $25

    2 people $35

    3 people $45

    4 people $55

    For every extra person (up to 7) $15 extra


    For physical copies, I do 8x10 or 9x12 for one, two, or three people. 

    11x14 for four or more people. 

    Black and white only 

    For colored caricatures ($15 extra) 


    If you want a digital file (pdf for printing) then it can be any size (up to 16x20) 

    For digital files, you have the option for colored caricatures.

©2018 by B & E Art Studio. Proudly created with

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